Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays - March 9

Grab your current read and let it fall open to a random page. Post two (or more) sentences from that page, along with the title and author. Don’t give anything vital away!

I'm currently 100 pages into Salman Rushdie's The Enchantress of Florence, a book that I'm reading for my book club, and it's been captivating so far. Out of many witty lines and quotes so far, here's a good excerpt:
"The emperor Abul-Fath Jalaluddin Muhammad, king of kings, known since his childhood as Akbar, meaning 'the great', and latterly, in spite of the tautology of it, as Akbar the Great, the great great one, great in his greatness, doubly great, so great that the repetition in his title was not only appropriate but necessary in order to express the gloriousness of his glory - the Grand Mughal........"
As you can see...Rushdie clearly likes his long sentences ;)


Whitney said...

He most certainly does like his long sentences, and I love the cover for The Enchantress of Florence. Great teaser!

Astrid (Mrs.B) said...

Great teaser! Here's mine:

Kals said...

Whitney b- Oh, I know! I'm in love with the cover..I keep turning to it and seeing it. It's so gorgeous :)

Mrs. B - Thanks!

JoAnn said...

I guess he does like long sentences - lol! Have been meaning to read Rushdie for ages... any suggestions on where to start?

Vaishnavi said...

This book is still pending on my list. I was half way through when I decided that I might as well toss the book back to the library rather than risk a huger fine. One needs a fine understanding of the bizarre to appreciate this book :)

Kals said...

JoAnn - Midnight's Children is his masterpiece and I totally recommend you start with that. The Enchantress of Florence, like Vaishnavi puts it very well, is definitely bizarre! LOL

Vaishnavi - I think you summed up the book quite very well ;) Bizarre would definitely be my one-word review of the book so far! Bizarre, in a good way, that is :)

Anonymous said...

yeah..he does love long sentences, but so do I (when he is writing them) :D

Kals said...

I agree!! He has a knack of writing long, witty, easy to read sentences :D

Veens said...

**long, witty, easy to read sentences - maybe I have not come a/c anything like these till now. Kals - why is it that I m the only one struggling with this one :((

Kals said...

Aww...I'm sorry Veens! Just persist with the hazy first few pages. I promise it gets better :)


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